‘Go out to the sea,’ Jesus told Peter, and CAST AN HOOK, and the first fish that COMETH UP; Take that fish and open its mouth and you will find A PIECE OF MONEY, PAY FOR YOU AND ME’- Matthew 17:27

The jar of oil of the widow was what broke the NEED of her family. I ask you, ‘what is your own jar of oil? IT IS YOUR SKILL.

God asked Moses when he was afraid to go to Egypt to set the Hebrews free, ‘WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR HANDS?’ That was his jar of oil and it was enough to set the people free.

when Jesus had no money to pay for tax, He told peter in Matt 17:27, ‘Go to the sea, and CAST A HOOK [That is the KEYWORD FOR FISHERMEN, peter understood well enough because it was his skill] and the FIRST FISH that cometh up, TAKE THAT FISH and open its mouth and YOU WILL FIND A PIECE OF MONEY, pay for you and me

Again, we see the concept of the jar of oil being used to meet the financial need, what about the 5,000 and the 4,000 Jesus fed with 5 loaves of bread and two fishes and 7 loaves of bread and 5 fishes?

The same principle of the jar of oil, this time Jesus prayed over the jar of oil which were the little bread and fishes given to him, meaning for your jar of oil to meet that need in your life and clear that debt, you need to shut the door and that means PRAYER as we see in matt 6

So, if you are face to face with some dare needs right now and no way out, God is sending this to you: TURN YOUR SKILL INTO MONEY, use it to CONNECT WITH BUYING CLIENTS [clients who have money in their mouths so to say, only these can pay the bill when you use your skill to solve their problems and how do you connect with them?

1. You need to know them, you don’t generalize everybody, everybody is A CROWD, you need to zero in on those who your skill can solve their problems

2. Build a sincere relationship with them to know what their GREATEST PAIN POINTS are, irrespective of what you may be going through, YOU ARE AN ANSWER TO SOMEONE’S PRAYERS AND PROBLEMS, so show up!

3. once you have identified their problems, go to your vision board, and search for EFFECTIVE, EFFICIENT AND IMMEDIATE SOLUTION that your skill can offer and then

4. Create a product in line with that solution, when you do, then go into the sea [this is a symbol of an ocean of people, it is like the marketplace, in other words GO AND SELL, but you need to understand that SELLING IS NOT THE SAME AS ADVERTISING, NO, there is a difference

Selling is SERVING OTHERS, it is a win-win street, that means when you get to the sea, you need to know how to CAST YOUR HOOK THAT WILL CATCH YOUR OWN CLIENT [this is like a clients’ magnet] You must know the LANGUAGE THAT WILL RESONATE WITHIN THE WATERS for them to swim towards you: the language they use to DESCRIBE their problems SO THAT THEY CAN RECOGNIZE your voice and come for the solution you have procured for them


This why the FLEXXITY program i introduced you to is OF GOD because that IS A SITE THAT ACCEPTS SKILLS AND TURN THEM INTO MONEY, this is your chance to trade with a huge customer base and locate your FIRST FISH [which is a symbol of your buying clients], via this site, i was able to get 2 orders: a blog order of $150 and a coaching writing of $300 from the site.

Furthermore, I set up a total of additional skills I know that added up to $4,000! Now I just used the Matt 17:27 principle

AVOID Hosea 4:6 that says, ‘MY PEOPLE [NOT THE UNBELIEVERS PERISH FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE], seize the business opportunity just like peter did

I received the rhema of this scripture when I was conversing with the Holy Spirit on the rhema behind the words of Jesus to peter, believe me have been praying it since and sharing it to be a blessing to others eg He told me, ‘just because you get clients doesn’t mean there is money in its mouth. Prospects may want to buy from you sincerely BUT THEY MAY HAVE NO MONEY, only prospects with means do buy and it pays the bill.’ ‘what to do?’ I asked, ‘PRAY FOR THEM’ and have been doing so, since afternoon because I too have been there before, THIRSTY FOR KNOWLEDGE BUT NO MEANS TO BUY, but I did pray and in the coming years, I bought more than enough


Hope your weekend went well