Hi there and welcome to a new month and the second half of the year.

what I want to share with you today IS TO SAVE THE LIFE of someone or family member who might be reaching out to you for help and YOU THINK SUCH IS TRYING TO SCUM YOU OF YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY.

Before, you include on such thoughts, I want you to hear my story.

You see, WHAT YOU SEE PHYSICALLY CAN BE QUITE DECEIVING, and WHAT YOU DO NOT SEE IS THE REAL REALITY which is what i term the UNSEEN LIFE- THE TRUE STORY BEHIND A LIFE that no one else sees but God and the person in question.

This is what has led to mismarriages that people enter into etc or other wrong decisions just by what they see physically rather than searching for the unseen life in the life of the person in question and indeed has also destroyed good homes because the UNSEEN LIFE WAS NOT DISCOVERED

This is what prompted me to come out here to share my story to save people’s lives or marriages about to go under

Right now, am just gradually recovering from a dare asthmatic attack yesterday the 31st of May 2021 and I had to resolve to my faith in Christ, calling His name, Cross, Blood and Wounds to my inflammed trachea and lungs

why didn’t I call for help sooner? I did but no one helped, why? Because, they thought i was lying.

what of my extended family? Oh they have left me to die to my fate long ago because i refused to compromise to an abused marriage of 13 years which you would have read on my blog here eg like the article i wrote when it all began on’ when the odds are against you’, that was the story then

After a while, after seeing that i could make on my own without their help, some decided to help once in a while but I thank God for His help God brought my way through clients in my business who because of the results they received from my business, choose to help me as much as they can when they see what i go through

when i finally found my feet in 2018, some arm of the abused marriage partner set course to diabolical means and my business came crashing down, which i picked up again and built and while on the verge of swooping in the blessing, another wave of attack came and every system created to bring in money for me, was SHATTERED to pieces that it remained nothing at all but to God’s glory, I picked up what remained and for the 3rd time, rebuilt again this time bigger and better with better results too

So, due to rebuilding, money flow wasn’t much before my health caught up with me. You see, this is where my marriage became abusive because, my former spouse will tell me i was lying about my health and literally I WILL BE DYING ON THE INSIDE.

I will explain via my recent incident that happened yesterday the 31st of May, prior to this time, I have reached out to friends who refuse to help but I had to use my steroids before then to keep myself alive even though i couldn’t work my business any more.

Then yesterday my steroids finished, I was left with nothing, I was choking gradually to death. I kept reaching out to as many as i know, yet no help was forth coming, until i reached out to a telecom business whatsapp group I had been building since May 2019 and someone came up but still couldn’t send help

so, i resulted into my faith in Christ, in calling His name, cross, blood and wounds on my inflammed trachea and lungs and as i couldn’t talk anymore, i resulted into calling them via my thoughts, I was already getting more choked more, just all of a sudden, I SAW A NEW TRACHEA

This is to just give you a rough image of what I saw

It stayed with me for awhile, as I was drifting into a choked breath whether I was about to die or about to sleep, I wouldn’t know but i drifted off all the same, and later miraculously work up and realized that my breathing had cleared a little and my voice had returned to me a little to hear

so, I had the strength to at least go to a friend in my community offline who had been of help in the past and unfortunately couldn’t help because he too was in debt that needed to be paid right there.

He had the means as he was a POS guy who dealt with money but couldn’t release $2 to help me because of what he was going through.

As i was about to leave to face my life, he had a change of thought, because he knew me and knew the grace of God in my life and my faithfulness too

so with $2, I was able to get what I could at least to save my life yesterday, but where lies the UNSEEN life am talking about? Stay with me, here is the part.

I stayed with some customers who gave me just the little to take to use my drugs [ventolin and aminophylline with amoxicillin as I was still on thyphoid treatment that nearly took my life some few days ago, thanks again to the name, cross, blood and wound of Jesus that saved me

For the past 5 years, due to an uncompromised life, I was subjected to untold hardship by my extended family led by the first born and i had been facing my health all alone with my kids taken from me, so i have been living alone with my God and praying building my life and business till the Lord will perfect everything for me.

so, i was subjected where I live to sieve polluted well water to drink, what? Yep and i had to boil it and sieve again before i can finally drink it.

Here, it was done by the tenant I live with, out of envy of the results i was having in my business, they went to pour dirty water or sand into a clean well just to frustrate me and when i wanted to clean the house i live in.

On two occassions they did after i kept fetching water there as my father owned the well and the first born never did a thorough work on the well, after collecting the tenant fee from them.

Last year, when I saw it, even though I never collected any money from the house rent, I gave them water from the storex I had, a year later, I was paid for evil for it, hmmm

so while praying for water after I got home, since that water had even finish and couldn’t drink anymore, there came the sound of rain and i mean a heavy down pour and i badly needed water; no kids, nobody just me and just recovering from a serious asthmatic attack that nearly killed me earlier

if i stay on the bed saying am incapable, I will face the inability to have drink water or I go by the scriptures that says ,’LET THE WEAK SAYS AM STRONG’ and put my life in my hands and enter that rain to get me clean rain water

so I put on my thick gown and wore a liner under, allowed the rain so wash off the dirts from my roof and i entered that rain and i was able to fetch 220 litres of water and unbelievably it didn’t trigger another asthmatic attack, so i quickly put my thick towel and robbed my chest and ribs with a robb ointment that had methyl salicylate and eucalyptus oil and i was okay , although this morning I was rather feeling cold, but covered myself.

Now, if someone had seen me fetch that water yesterday night, what would the person say? He will say i was lying right? which was the believe of those i went to earlier for help and they refused to help

if the Lord had not intervened that is how i would have died; do you know how many would have die in your hands if you don’t know their UNSEEN LIFE?

Here, I had no good drinking water and no single helper, just because i refused to go back to an abusive marriage that never cared about my UNSEEN life like the one I just shared and has left me to die countless times as a result which the family never know about

You see, what you see physically can be QUITE DECEIVING; someone who might see me yesterday would just conclude that am a fraudster and a 419, while on the WHILE, I HAD TO PUT MY LIFE ON JEOPARDY TO GET MYSELF A CLEAN WATER via the rain

so it is either i enter the rain or i stay to keep warm and i risk drinking the polluted water again that could lead to another scene of relapsed thyphoid, I had to go for the latter and face keeping my health safe afterwards.

You see, this is what brought me into my space to talk to you on behalf of others who can’t come out like this. I do help as many as I can with the little i make and am grateful to God that i have never sent anyone into a journey of death.

Like my father would say to us his kids in the past, ‘Save someone first from their peril, then worry later whether they are trying to dope you, but first save that life’

I have been keeping to that instruction ever since and am grateful for lives I have saved of which some later paid me for evil, but does that stop me from helping others like me? NO, if it is in my power to help

Yes I know many can be dubious, how will you know the genuine ones? The genuine ones will have

  1. A job or business they are doing and are doing well in it, just a little challenge and they need help to stay afloat
  2. They will appreciate immensely any little help you give or are ready to give
  3. They will answer any questions asked sincerely on how they make their money
  4. Or carry either 75% or 85% of their financial responsibility before even coming to you [if the people who come to you don’t have this, then don’t give, they are fradulent people who don’t know how gathering or working diligently for money is, some will even tell you, ‘so this is the little you can give? what am I suppose to do with $2? bullshit!’ as if they own the money

I do with the above , so I know. These ones can’t steal from you because they know how they gather each cent made so they will feel with you, pls help such, you have no idea the HELL THEY GO THROUGH internally which you don’t see.

so, before you accuse your wife or husband or anybody due to what you see physically, FIRST GET TO KNOW THE UNSEEN life they are going

Now, my ex understands but it’s too late because HE LEFT ME TO DIE OF A CHRONIC ASTHMA on Aug 2 2016 and took the kids away from me, kids have been taking care of since i gave birth to them and the family is DENYING THE TRUTH THAT THE KIDS ARE NOT MINE because i get sick often

Never ever judge anyone until you have discovered their real truth of their UNSEEN LIFE then you will see the whole picture before making your final judgement


God bless you

WANT TO REACH ME? YOU CAN WHATSAPP ME ON +2348104941884 or +2349091983452